Pinewood Derby

What is the Pinewood Derby?
The Pinewood Derby is a Cub Scout car race where Scouts build a 7-inch wood toy car and race it down a sloped track. The Pinewood Derby is without a doubt one of the most exciting Pack activities all year!!!
Pack 719 typically holds the Pinewood Derby race in the spring.
Where to get your car kit
The Pack provides each Scout with an official Pinewood Derby kit, which are typically handed out in December. The official kit includes a pine wood block (with pre-cut slots for the axles), four axles, and four plastic wheels. The Pack sometimes has additionally kits available for purchase for a Scout, parent or sibling to enter the Outlaw class (see race classes below).
Race Classes
Pack 719 runs two different races classes:
- Scout Class: this is for all the Scouts in the Pack to race one car they’ve built. Prizes/awards are given in this class. See Scout class rules below.
- Outlaw Class: Scouts can race a second car. Parents, siblings, or friends can race in this class. Bragging rights only, no prizes/awards are given for this class. See Outlaw class rules below.
Build Workshop
The Pack holds a workshop about a month in advance at a Pack meeting. At this workshop leaders are on hand to help guide parents and Scouts with their Pinewood Derby car builds.
Car Check-in and Inspection
In an effort to reduce the number of volunteers needed on race day, the Pack has scouts register their cars prior to race day. These registrations are typically held on the same days as Den or Pack meetings. During these registrations the Scouts car will be inspected to ensure it complies with the rules (see rules section below for each class).

Scout Class Rules
- Pack 719 rules for the Scout Class Pinewood Derby races, are as follows:
- The car must have been made during the current year (year in which derby is being held) – Cannot use previous years cars.
- Car Dimensions:
- Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces – important, a scale will be used to check the weight at car check-in
- Width shall not exceed 2-3/4 inches – important, so the car doesn’t interfere with cars in the next lane(s)
- Length shall not exceed 7 inches.
- Width between wheels – 1-3/4 inches – important, so the car doesn’t unnecessarily rub the track and slow down
- Bottom clearance between car and track – 3/8 inches – important, so the car doesn’t unnecessarily rub the track and slow down
- Only wheels, axles, and body shall be from the materials provided in the official Pinewood Derby kit.
- Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited.
- Only dry lubricants (powdered graphite) are permitted. No lubricating oil may be used (the oils collect on the track and impact other heats).
- Scouts are free to decorate their car as they wish. This can include painting or stickers as long as these details do not exceed the maximum length, width and weight specifications.
- Details, such as steering wheel and driver are permissible as long as these details do not exceed the maximum length, width and weight specifications.
- The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices or springs.
- No loose materials of any kind are allowed on the car.
- Each car must pass inspection by the official inspection committee before it may compete.
- If a car does not pass inspection, the owner will be informed of the reason for failure and given an opportunity to correct it.
- After the car is checked in, cars will not be re-inspected unless the car is damaged in handling or in a race.
Outlaw Class Rules
- Pack 719 rules for the Outlaw Class Pinewood Derby races, are as follows:
- Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces – important, a scale will be used to check the weight at car check-in
- Width shall not exceed 2-3/4 inches – important, so the car doesn’t interfere with cars in the next lane(s)
- Only dry lubricants (powdered graphite) are permitted. No lubricating oil may be used (the oils collect on the track and impact other heats).
- Building resources and information:
- Pinewood Derby HQ (from Scout Life)
- EASY Pinewood Derby Car WINS using Science!!! (video from Mark Rober)
- Supplies (if you need building supplies beyond what’s in the Pack provided official kit):
- Eldersburg Michaels has some Pinewood Derby supplies
- Scout Shop
- Amazon
- Local hardware stores for general tools and supplies (non- Pinewood Derby specific materials)